Jaclyn Leocata.
Jaclyn is a Master's level Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor specializing in the treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating since 2011. She has experience working in the treatment of eating disorders in Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, and Partial Hospitalization settings. Jaclyn practices a non-diet and weight inclusive approach to health & well being. Her ultimate goal is to help clients heal their relationship with food, movement, and their bodies.
Professional Background & Credentials:
Registered Dietitian (RD), 1023240
Certified Dietitian Nutritionist (CDN)- NY, 007410
Licensed Dietitian- OH, 10087
Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist- IL, 164.009224
Certified Eating Disorder Specialist & Consultant (CEDS-C)
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Master's Degree in Nutrition with a concentration in Eating Disorders from LIU Post
Dietetic Internship & Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition from LIU Post
Consultant for Eating Disorder Associates
Member of IAEDP (International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals)
Member of IFEDD (International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians)
Quoted in publications by Shape & Equip
Additional Trainings:
ED for RD's: Eating Disorder Education for Registered Dietitians
Body Image Training 2.0: The Missing Piece of Whole Body Healing
ARFID for Dietitians: A Responsive Feeing Therapy Approach
Clinical Approaches to Treating Body Image Issues
Clinical Approaches to Treating Bulimia & Binge Eating Disorder
Somatic Skills as a Trauma-healing Technique for Clients with Eating Disorders
Trauma Informed Care: The Dietitian's Role and Nutrition Interventions

Jaclyn assesses clients individual nutritional needs, works with co morbid medical conditions, provides nutrition education, aids in behavioral change, and supports clients with body image work. Her goal is to help clients rediscover the pleasure of food, break rigid food rules, build body trust, and reconnect to internal signs of hunger/fullness.
Jaclyn counsels through the Health At Every Size® (HAES®) approach and helps her clients heal with a unique combination of her nutrition education, clinical knowledge, and lived experience.
Jaclyn is licensed in NY, IL, and OH.