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The Role of the Dietitian in Eating Disorder Treatment.

It can be frightening when your therapist or doctor suggests meeting with a Dietitian to discuss your current eating habits. Some common fears that may come up: Will they judge my food choices? Are they going to ask me to change everything on day 1? How will they really understand what I am going through? Will they trigger my eating disorder thoughts? Are they going to try and sell me vitamins ands supplements? Are they going to tell me what I can and cannot eat? Just to name a few. Well, these are all valid concerns! I hope this article helps you feel more at ease when meeting a Dietitian for the first time.

What is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)?

A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) is an expert in nutrition who has met the academic and professional qualifications set forth by the Commission on Dietetic Registration:

  • Earned a Bachelor’s degree that was approved by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (and most have advanced degrees as well)

  • Completed a 1200 hour accredited Dietetic Internship

  • Passed a national exam administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration

  • Submits professional continuing requirements to maintain the credential

A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who specializes in eating disorders must also have advanced training and supervision in this area to be able to properly treat this population. Many of us have additional certifications in this field (Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors and Certified Eating Disorder Dietitians). It is also important to have a RDN who is HAES® (Health At Every Size) informed and is a weight inclusive/non-diet practitioner. Beware of "health/nutrition coaches" and "nutritionists" as anyone can use these titles, regardless of their education and training. Unfortunately many people using these titles are providing inaccurate information and promoting disordered eating patterns.

The Dietitians Role in Eating Disorder Treatment.

A treatment team for ED recovery may consist of the client, a therapist, MD, family members, pharmacotherapy (if applicable), and the RDN. The treatment team will work together to address medical, psychological, and nutritional concerns during ED treatment. The roles of the team members will also overlap at times during the education and recovery process.

The Dietitian's role consists of :

  • Providing a non-judgmental environment to address food, movement, and body image concerns

  • Working with the client to develop structured meal plans that meet nutritional needs

  • Addressing the eating disorder behaviors and recommending appropriate nutrition interventions

  • Providing medical nutrition therapy based on the clients individualized needs

  • Reviewing meal support strategies with the client and their support system

  • Helping clients navigate fear foods and coming up with plans for eventual integration of these foods (they may even eat with clients in session!)

  • Providing nutrition education to challenge myths and disordered thoughts/beliefs around food and body

  • Helping clients explore their hunger & fullness levels throughout their treatment

  • Providing meal and snack ideas, cooking techniques, and meal planning strategies

  • Interpreting growth charts, weight history, and nutritional labs in conjunction with the medical team

  • Reviewing the effects of diet culture and reinforcing what “normal eating” looks like

  • Exploring clients relationship with movement & making recovery focused suggestions

  • Strategizing with clients to feel more confident around food in social situations

  • Collaborating with the treatment team to ensure they are providing a cohesive treatment plan

  • Integrating Intuitive Eating principles into the nutrition education process

In conclusion, it's important to know whose providing you with advice and what their qualifications are. When seeking out a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, make sure to ask them questions about their qualifications and their treatment philosophy to ensure they are a good fit for your treatment team.


Jaclyn Leocata MS, RDN, CDN, CEDS-C


Registered Dietitian

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Certified Eating Disorder Specialist & Consultant

    2022 copyright Jaclyn Leocata all rights reserved

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