Consistently incorporating snacks throughout the day supports sustained
energy, ensures adequate nutrient intake, and enhances mood.
Aim to combine 2-3 food groups to make a satisfying snack.
Individual container yogurt with fruit & chopped nuts
Cold cuts & cheese rolled around pretzel rods or bread sticks
Fruit with nut butters
Tuna salad or egg salad with crackers
Cheese stick or spreadable cheese wedges with cheez its and fruit
Trail Mix: combine any of the following: mix nuts, granola, cereal, dried fruit, goldfish, teddy
grahams, cheez its, chocolate chips, coconut chips or individual trail mix packets
Make a Smoothie: combine any of the following: milk, yogurt, varied fruits/veggies, nut butters, seeds, cacao powder, oats, cinnamon, vanilla extract
Individual cottage cheese + chia seeds & fruit
Individual container guacamole or hummus with tortilla chips and raw veggies
Ricotta cheese with sliced almonds, raspberries, and dash of cinnamon
Tzatziki dip with pita chips and sliced cucumbers
Peanut Butter filled Pretzels & fruit
Crackers with mozzarella cheese, tomato slices/roasted red peppers, & drizzle of balsamic
Slice of toast topped with cream cheese and sliced strawberries
Watermelon cubes with feta cheese, drizzled with balsamic glaze
Sliced peaches or pears, chopped nuts, and dash of cinnamon. Warm in microwave for ~45
seconds. Top with whipped topping & crumbled graham crackers
Luna bar, Kind bar, Nature valley bar with a piece of fruit – easy on the go options
Hard Boiled eggs, crackers, & fruit
Mixed berries with nuts and shredded coconut
Cookies or mini muffins & glass of milk
Peanut Butter or Cheese sandwich crackers & yogurt
Cereal with milk & fruit
Chocolate coated rice cakes & nut butter or yogurt
Dry roasted edamame & fruit
Graham crackers, nut butter, & chocolate chips